Author: Brittany Walker Konsella

Backcountry SkiingFourteeners

My Condundrum on Conundrum Couloir

It’s August, and it’s that time of year when many people start to look ahead, dreaming of snowflakes and skiing. For me, I pretty much think of skiing all the time year-round, even though I don’t typically ski year round. Which is why this post hurts the most. I won’t be skiing this coming winter… or spring. That bites hard into the deepest part of my core. Skiing is my being. It’s who I am. It’s what I do. Perhaps that’s why I waited so long to write the report. Although, I’d like to say it was because I decided to wait until people were having thoughts of skiing again. But in reality, I had a conundrum on Conundrum. And it will be my last ski for a very long time….

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BikingCrested Butte

TR: Star Pass to Double Top to Hunter Creek (16 July 2016)

We like showing visitors around to the best mountain biking that we have. So, when our friend Larry came from Steamboat to check out the riding in Crested Butte, we put on a good show. Just a 2.5 weeks prior, Larry and I stood on top of Condundrum Peak, about to ski down the long-lasting couloir. From the summit, I pointed out Star Peak and told him about the superb mountain biking just on the other side of it. I told him he needed to go there. So, Star Pass became a destination for his Crested Butte trip…

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BikingCrested Butte

Riding Among the Wildflowers – Trailriders 401 in Crested Butte

401 is always on our list to ride during the season. Yet, it’s easy for us to scoff at it too as it is typically overrun with tourists. Still, Trailriders 401 is popular for a reason, and it’s a reason that I remember every time I start riding among towering wildflowers while I descend into the emerald green landscape of the valley below, with majestic mountains rising in the distance. The beauty of 401 is hard to parallel. It doesn’t matter how many tourists are there. I smile every time I ride it….

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Backcountry Skiing

TR: Emma Burr Mountain (10 June 2016)

Skiing in late spring can be incredibly fun – especially because access can become much easier. Suddenly, a peak that is tucked miles and miles away up valley during winter might become nearly effortless to access as dirt roads melt out. Once such example is Emma Burr Mountain. Yep, that’s right Emma Burr Mountain. Most of you have probably never heard of it. No, it’s not this huge ski mountaineering destination. But, tucked away in the middle of the Sawatch Range, Emma Burr Mountain can hold its own. We certainly had some fun skiing there….

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